It all began at 5:30p when Jim arrived at Riveroak to pick up Angie. But she was not there.
His temper began to rise. Angie's job was keeping her late once more. He got out of the car and went into the building. Arriving at the professors lab. He was in time to see Angie disappear. Professor Grottwold yelling she aported, she is gone to another world.
Needless to say, Jim was beside himself, He tells the Professor to get her back. hereis no way to return Angie.
The Professor decided to send Jim after her. Jim is aported to a land of talking dragons. He himself is turned into a dragon. The first dragon dragon he meets calls Jim his grandnephew.
Jim tells him he is looking for a girl. So the older dragon tells him to see Carolinus the magician to help him find Angie.
He finds his "cottage", goes to the door and knocks. Carolinus answers Jim's questions. he learns Angie has been sent back. He is told she is captured in an old castle. The only way to get her back is to find a friend to go with him. Don't try it alone. Jim sets out for the castle. Along the way, he meets a knight. At first, he was going to kill Jim, but decided to wait. Jim came down from a tree he had hidden in (Realya dragonina tree).
Jim asks the knight to go with him to find Angie. He said yes, but he must first go to get his lover for permission to go. Jim thought that it odd but went along.
They pick up 4 more to go along. After the battle between good and evil, they search for Angie but she is not there.
Jim starts back to see Carolinus to find Angie. Jim and Angie are back together. Jim decides not to return and Angie agrees.
Carolinus tells everyone to stand back as there'll be another body standing there. Carolinus hit the ground with his staff. There was Jim no longer a dragon. He was wearing a hospital gown and holding a pillow.
He decided to stay in the land of DRAGON.